The water column test
This test measures the resistance of a fabric to water pressure.
The results of the test are expressed in mm of a water column or mm Schmerber (the name of the textile manufacturer Charles Edouard Schmerber who created this measuring tool).
1 Schmerber = 1 mm water column = 0.1 mbar .
Average rain pressure is in the range of 1000 to 2000 Schmerber.
It is therefore considered that a garment which resists the pressure of a 1.3-metre water column (i.e. 1300 mm) is waterproof (according to the standard ISO 811). But beware, a jacket designed with a waterproof fabric to the level of 2000mm Schmerber will protect you from the rain, but maybe not a downpour or a long storm.
Indeed, the higher the Schmerber rating, the more waterproof the material.
Please note: the quality of the fabric used is very important, as the waterproofing of a new jacket designed using poor-quality material may change after washing.