Make sure you get a period of rest between each race to optimise your performance!
Between short races, you will soon be able to resume your training pace and move on to the next race. However you will need to rest properly between longer races.
If you want to do two Half-Ironman triathlons in a row, you should leave at least a 2-month period between the two.
For an Ironman triathlon, you can do a Half-Ironman race up to 6 weeks beforehand. If you are doing two Ironman triathlons in a row, make sure you do a maximum of two over the course of the year.
Once again, everyone is different and has a different capacity in terms of sequences. Don't forget that it's important to manage your efforts throughout the season.To optimise your performances, you have to work on each cycle, with general preparation cycles, more specific cycles, fine-tuning and rest stages between each objective.
It is impossible to have high-performance all year round so you have to manage your fitness peaks!
Spend time managing time for your training sessions, work and personal life!
It is important to sit down and plan your schedule. Considering the points mentioned above, you should list your constraints throughout the preparation period.
It isn't a good idea to do a Half-Ironman when you know that you will have a packed work schedule in the 2 months preceding it!
Look at the calendar, write down the races that you are interested in, share them with your friends, decide and sign up. Registration to races is often done early in the season and some races are literally overrun with participants! When setting your objectives, make sure you set aside rest periods and maintain balance in your life!
Finally, don't forget that you are responsible for choosing your own races and for putting everything in place in order to achieve your objectives. You may sometimes wonder why you have decided to embark on this adventure, but during those times, remember how important it is to you a few weeks or months ago. I like to remember that it isn't just about getting to the finish line, but also the journey that counts, so enjoy it throughout the year!